Wednesday, November 14, 2007

No Photographers Allowed

So the hands of beuracracy and paranoia are at it again. If you notice the picture to the left you'll see the monument that was built to honor our first president. The one who helped to establish this country that was founded on the principals of democracy and freedom.

Of course, as time have changed so have our ideas and our fears. Today it's nearly impossible for a person with a camera not to get a dirty look or two from some one that thinks they're a pervert that wants pictures of little kids. It's hard not to get stopped in public and harrassed by the authorities; hald the time those authorities are all for violating your rights if you don't know them and don't stand up for yourself.

I know this may sound like nay saying to some, but it can be the truth. We engage in this hobby we all love and we're proud of it. We're not some pedophile or terrorist slinking around in the shadows trying to plan our next victim or target. We're people who like capturing the essence of a moment in time in pictures and sharing it with the rest of the world.

I'm not going to go too long on this rant, but I'll leave everyone with some helpful links that they should visit. And on a parting note, if you ever get stopped and harrassed, remember that you have rights too.

Bert P. Krages II Attorney At Law Photographer's Right PDF
DC Photo Rights - Flickr Group
"The War on Photographers" - article

Just Google Photographer's Right's and you'll come up with a ton of material to look through. Have fun, stay safe, and stay out of jail.

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